Monday, December 19, 2011

Serious Help Needed ..Thanks?

I'm not trying to say that I don't believe you, but I'm 16 too and a lot of my friends feel like this. Actually almost all of them do. What I'm saying is you're not alone. Please realize that your parents don't have to be in your life anymore, and if you can survive these next few years then you have your whole life ahead of you to do whatever you want, whereever you want. When you come of age you can completely cut all ties and get away from them. I'm not going to tell you you need to have a relationship with them, because why should you? They're family but if you don't get along you shouldn't have to put up with them. I completely understand, but why should you end your life because two people that are in it right now are making it hard to concentrate. It's not fair that your family situation is interfering at school, but unless you can find somewhere else to say, keep pushing to get out at the end of these next few years. Everything will be fine.


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