Thursday, December 22, 2011

You thought you REALLY knew the person this time until.......?

Have you ever been in a relationship where you thought you really knew this person and thought they were the greatest thing ever? Only to find out that years later theywerent at all what they seemed? Please share your story with me b/c i feel like im the only fool in the dating world. I was wth my bf for 1.5 years. We broke recently b/c our relationship began to deteriorate after the birth of our baby (2 months ago). We began to argue about money when iwas 7 months pregant. I let it go and thought, "once the baby is born, he'll change". Well the baby was born and he did change a bit. He bought the baby stuff but never any extra cash on hand. We do not live together. He's 50 and im 41. Yes, we had an unplanned bashing please...I went on maternity leave in the states and only got 60% of my pay for six weeks. He said he would help out financially too. Well i waited an entire month until he finally gave me some money but it wasnt given to me nicely, it was thrown at me, "here's your". Its almost october and we are no longer together. The money he gave me is used up. I am going back to work in three weeks. He hasnt called in 4 days nor even inquired about his daughter by email. I went to my lawyer last week to file for child support b/c prior to this he had seen his lawyer secretly to find out about things and turned out that he became very upset when he realized how much support he was entitled to give me. Anyhow, after he found out, he came back and wanted to work things out wtih me and give me 1/2 the amount of child support with no extra purchses like diapers or formula. I knew the amount wasnt enough so i refused. I came up with an amount that would suffice and it was even less than what the courts are going to say. He still refused. I no longer have any respect for him. This is his first child and she is a very good baby. He's already missing out on so much in the last two weeks. He has only visited once. He stated he wanted to have the baby on weekends and i will grant this when she is a little older b/c she is only 8 weeks and he still didnt like this. Now he hardly sees her and there is no way im going to grant his wishes b/c she is starting to forget him. I REALLY thoughti knew this man. When we first met, we connected and had same interests. We did everythign together and had so much fun. The pion and our life was present in the beginning but he had alot to learn b/che hadn had for 20 years. He was very rusty but began to improve. Plus our companionship was sooo good that i took that over anything. I miss him to this day bc i thought he was respectable. He's educated, has his own home, has a great job and makes over $100,000.00, goes to CHURCH (this is what shocks me) and never misses a day at church, has high morals and always donates money to charity, bought me all kinds of practical things and fixed things around my apartment, always took me out for dinner and paid. that is why im so bewildered that a man like this could be so cheap with his child. He stopped doing things for me out of the blue. Instead, he started doing things i needed done or bringing things for baby with resentment. Kept stating how miserable he felt b/c he felt i was verbally abusive with him. Wehad a few arguements over money and i would get upset and call him "cheap" and our arguments turned into verbal outbursts on both our parts. He just couldnt see clearly once money was the issue. Its like it blinded him completely of everything. I can never trust him again now b/c i feel that he just wants to be with me to pay less chld support. My heart says give him another chance but my mind says, "no...dont be have alittle girl to raise and he's never going to change". I thought he was a great guy. He even took care of his father for 5 years every weekend until he died. People now tell me things like, "he seemed distant" or "he wasnt in love". I dont know what to believe but i know now that it wasnt love or he wouldnt be acting this way. I did see some wierd things at his house like all his furniture was still in the original plastic or covered up not to get ruined or extra rugs to protect carpet. This man didnt have any kids and really was so afraid that h is new stuff would get old or dirty. Furthermore, he did laundry all the time. I mean for 2-3 items of clothin he would do a load of wash. After we ate, he would vacuum every single crumb. He was a neat freak i do admit. But i didnt know he was this cheap. I should of realized it when he gave me a really nice necklace that turned out to be his exgirlfriends and it was sitting in his drawer for years. The necklace is lovely and i still wear it but it never really had sentimental value to me b/c it was "hers". In 1.5 years we were together, he bought me some earring to match the necklace and if i didnt wear them, he got upset. I bought him a few things too but i couldnt afford nice gifts lik


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